Where masking and distancing are required, it may be time to learn to do things differently. As companies instruct employees to stay home and work remotely, we must update management procedures on adding new hires. Video interviews can help to minimize any disruptions in your hiring process.

Health officials and experts discourage gatherings and meetings to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus and variants—attorneys contemplating moves will have concerns about taking in-person interviewing during this pandemic. Prospective candidates can get stuck in limbo, potentially without credible guidance and updates on critical aspects of hiring procedures at firms, companies, and agencies.

LegalRecruiter relies on digital resources to keep us safe, interview laterals, and present lateral candidates safely for initial consideration and discussions. Aside from protecting everyone in the hiring process, here are many additional common-sense reasons to add digital assets to your hiring process.

Speeds up your recruitment process

Reducing time to hire by connecting with the best candidates as soon as possible is necessary for many employers.

Using video interviewing as the first stage of your recruitment process lets you engage with candidates much sooner.

For the recruiter, being able to see and hear candidates within minutes of their application, allows you to identify the best candidates faster.

Improves the quality of hire

One of the most significant benefits of video interviewing is its ability to enhance the quality of hire. Being able to interview all candidates that apply for a role allows you to assess which are the best fit, not just which look good on paper.

Being able to see and hear candidates at the start of the recruitment process allows you to make a more rounded judgment – enabling you to spot the best candidates earlier.

No time wasted interviewing unsuitable candidates

We’ve all been there – a candidate walks through the door, and within 30 seconds, we know they’re just going to fit. The vast majority of us are too polite to say, thanks, but we’re going to pass. Instead, we go through the whole interview process and waste everyone’s time.

With a video interview, you can watch the first 30 seconds of a candidate’s interview, if you think they’re just not suitable, move onto the next candidate.

No more scheduling headaches

Arranging face-to-face and telephone interviews are more often than not time-consuming and frustrating, especially when there are more than one interviewer’s diaries to align.

With automated video interviews, you send the candidates an invite via email, they then complete your interview at the time that best suits them.

Review and compare the candidate’s answers

Observing a candidate’s recorded video interviews more than once allows you to compare and contrast how each candidate has answered the same question. If you’re not 100% sure if a candidate is right for the role, you can have colleagues review their interview and give you a fresh perspective.

Consistent interview process

With all the questions set in advance, each candidate completes the same interview. They are given the same thinking and answer time, ensuring a consistent process.

No geographical restrictions

With the increasing skills shortages and for some employers with a limited local talent pool, video interviewing offers the perfect solution. You can interview candidates no matter where in the world they are – as long as they have access to the internet. You review their interviews online at a time that suits you, select your shortlist, and only then, do you go to the expense of meeting them face-to-face.

Save on travel costs

Coordinating video interviews instead of an in-person interview can save on travel costs for out-of-town candidates. A reliable video interview platform can eliminate the need to fly in your final round candidates, saving flight, transportation, and hotel costs.

Help hiring managers

Video interviews are an efficient way for hiring managers to compare and contrast candidates without delaying the hiring timeline quickly. Video interviewing eliminates scheduling complications and delays, reducing the risk of losing candidates to faster-moving companies. Hiring managers can also gain a more accurate view of the candidate pipeline to make a more precise decision in identifying the candidates moving on to the next round.